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Dr. Gottfried Forsthuber und Mag. Gottfried Forsthuber

Welcome to Forsthuber & Partner Rechtsanwälte!
Your right is our mission. As law firm in Baden do we offer you a profound service in all major areas of law. Company law, employment law, civil law, contracts, administrative law, , marriage, family and inheritance law, property law, an so on. Make an appointment with us and you will see our more than 30 years of expirience.


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Forsthuber & Partner Rechtanwälte

Your Right is our mission!

As a traditional laywer in Baden are we able to provide excellent service in all major areas of law.


Forsthuber & Partner Rechtsanwälte
Wienerstraße 80
2500 Baden
+43 2252 86 3 66
Mo-Do: 9-12 Uhr und 13-17 Uhr
Fr:  9-13 Uhr